NEWS reviews alcohol consumption apps
Identifying the one in four patients who are problem drinkers is a challenge in primary care; they may present indirectly with concerns like hypertension, insomnia, injuries or gastric upset, according to Dr.
Peter Selby, Director, Medical Education, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
In an interview for OTN’s Practical Apps, Dr.
Selby, an addictions expert, discusses how to identify and support these patients.
To see the video and the latest review, of alcohol consumption apps, please visit
Reminder: Take a moment and update your profile today!
The OTNhub’s Directory provides members with easy access to telemedicine consultants, programs, tools and sites. Your profile provides vital information about the services you offer, including specialized areas of practice, protocols and relevant referral and scheduling instructions.
Keeping an up-to-date profile in the directory lets your peers know the services you offer via telemedicine. Update your profile today!
North East LHIN Provides More Support to Manitoulin Mobile Teleophthalmology Program
Manitoulin Central Family Health Team’s (MCFHT) recently won a provincial 2016 Bright Lights Award from the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario for its Mobile
Teleophthalmology Screening Program.
The innovative program uses OTN technology to bring eye screening services to 11 Manitoulin Island communities and one on nearby Birch Island.
The impact on patients is undeniable.
Darren Shawanda, from Sheguiandah First Nation, who has diabetes, has his eyes screened for changes on a regular basis.
Usually, he would have a five-hour round-trip drive to Sudbury, but thanks to the program, he is able to get his eyes screened in his home community.
Congratulations MCFHT!

Ed Brown presented with a Meritorious Service Medal
OTN’s CEO, Dr.
Ed Brown, was presented with a Meritorious Service Medal in Ottawa on November 26 by the Right Hon.
David Johnston, Governor General of Canada.
Brown was honoured for developing and implementing North Network and overseeing its expansion as OTN. Created by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Meritorious Service Decorations recognize Canadians for exceptional deeds that bring honour to Canada.
Their acts are often innovative, set an example or model for others to follow, or respond to a particular challenge faced by a community.
Congratulations Dr.